Call or email us. It’s completely confidential.
Speak to a lawyer about your situation for free.
We give you advice and/or a lawyer referral.
Confidentiality Policy
Everything you tell us when you call our office – your name, the details of your matter, the names of other individuals involved, etc. – is kept in strict confidence by us. We have never sold contact information about the people who seek our help and never will.
In addition, we will never purposely do anything that could reveal privileged information, let a spouse, friend or other know that you have contacted a lawyer or in any way do anything that will harm your case, reputation or relationships.
On occasion we will e-mail the details of your case to a lawyer that based on your description of your scenario appears to be the right fit for your claim. This correspondence is also confidential and we would never recommend a lawyer that doesn’t take this issue as seriously as we do. If we found that an attorney violated this policy we would never recommend them again.
Our reputation and quality of service depends on a level of trust from you. If we do not have your trust and reliance, then we cannot provide the quality of service we aim for everyday with every phone call. Again, when we say that your information is kept confidential, we mean that we will not disclose your name and situation to anyone without your permission.
Finally, while there is nothing we can say that would prove to a doubter how seriously we take this policy, please note that if we were to do something that caused you or your case any harm, we could lose our license to practice law in Illinois. We certainly do not want that to happen and would never risk our career for any reason.
If you have any questions or concerns about our confidentiality policy simply call us at (312) 346-5320 or (800) 517-1614 FREE or fill out our contact us form and we will contact you to discuss those concerns before you share any information about your situation.