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Colon Cancer Malpractice Lawsuits In Illinois

Since 2001 our lawyers have helped thousands of people pursue Illinois medical malpractice lawsuits. We offer legal guidance and attorney referrals. Contact us any time at 312-346-5320 to speak with a lawyer for free.

Colon cancer is an aggressive type of intestinal cancer. Early detection and treatment is critical. The best chance of survival and the best health outcomes result when colon or colorectal (colon and rectum) cancer is diagnosed in its early stages. Early on forms of colon cancer usually pose little long term risk if treated properly.

Colon cancer is often diagnosed through routine screening. The patient may present symptoms or they may not. A colonoscopy is one type of screening. While the patient is under anesthesia, a tube with a camera attached is inserted into the patient’s rectum to look for polyps and abnormalities. If abnormalities are detected, the doctor will take a tissue sample for testing.

Doctors might also use a CT scan or a virtual colonoscopy. This less invasive technique produces pictures of the patient’s colon. Cologuard is still another type of screening. Patients send a fecal sample to a lab where the sample is analyzed for abnormal cells.

These screenings seem straightforward, but doctors make mistakes. Doctors may fail to diagnose a patient’s colon cancer, or they may misdiagnose a patient, telling the patient they have a different colorectal condition and not cancer.  Or the doctor might fail to order a colonoscopy when the patient has a family history of colon cancer or is displaying symptoms of possible cancer.

Unfortunately treatment is delayed and/or the outcomes are worse for patients who are misdiagnosed or not diagnosed. These malpractice errors can cause people with colon cancer to die, die sooner than they would have, and/or suffer greatly due to these malpractice errors.

If you or someone you know has suffered from a failure to diagnose or from a misdiagnosis of colon cancer, you might have a good medical malpractice case. Our lawyers would be happy to speak with you for free to offer a confidential evaluation as to whether or not there’s a case worth pursuing. If there is we will recommend to you a lawyer we’d suggest to a family member or friend in the same situation. And there is never a fee to bring a case as Illinois medical malpractice attorneys only get paid if they win the case.