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Common Questions About Illinois Nursing Home Abuse
We are Illinois lawyers, who since 2001, have been offering legal guidance and attorney referrals to help people find the best nursing home injury lawyer for their case. Call our office at 312-346-5320 or 800-517-1614 to speak with an attorney for FREE and get pointed in the right direction. Or fill out our contact form to tell us about your situation and we will contact you.
What is nursing home abuse and neglect?
Nursing home abuse and neglect can be seen in many different ways. Bedsores, fall injuries, and improper or inadequate use of medications are some examples. Not all injuries in a nursing home are a result of abuse or neglect. Nursing home residents are sometimes injured as a consequence of the intentional acts of other residents or staff. In general though, Illinois nursing home abuse lawsuits happen when there is neglect or negligence by the home or a staff member that leads to an injury.
What are signs of nursing home abuse and neglect?
Physical signs of abuse may include cuts, bruises, scrapes or other visible injuries. The nursing home resident may inform others of mistreatment by staff like being slapped, shaken, or punched. Mood or personality changes may be a sign of abuse or neglect as well. Other signs include unexplained and rapid weight loss, broken bones and previously unreported health problems.
What do you do if you think nursing home abuse has occurred or is occurring?
Contact us at (312) 346-5320 or (800) 517-1614. All inquiries are free and confidential. Because we are experienced lawyers, we will be able to help you contact a lawyer who focuses on nursing home abuse cases.
What does a lawyer charge to represent you for nursing home abuse?
Any lawyer we recommend will represent you or your family member on a contingency basis. This means that you will not have to pay your lawyer unless the lawyer is successful in winning the case.
Will I be able to bring a claim on behalf of a family member who was intentionally injured by someone associated with his/her nursing home?
In general, yes. Illinois law states that owners of a nursing home are responsible to residents for intentional or negligent acts by employees or agents. Because the law can be confusing it is best to contact us so we can look at the specifics of your family member’s injury.
Where does a lawsuit get filed?
Typically a lawsuit is filed in the county where the injury occurred. In other words, you might live in Rockford, but have a parent who is hurt in a nursing home in Joliet. In that instance you would want a Joliet nursing home abuse attorney or someone who focuses their practice on nursing home abuse cases and files them often in Will County.
If I don’t have the nursing home records and don’t know how to obtain them, how will my claim be investigated?
Once we have found you an experienced lawyer, he/she will be able to access nursing home and medical records. By law, the nursing home must provide the records within 48 hours of a request.
Is any of this confusing? It can be. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us and we will try and point you in the right direction.